Runtime Settings


prismaClientContextField: string

  • @summary The name of the GraphQL context field to get an instance of Prisma Client from.

  • @remarks The instance of Prisma Client found here is accessed in the default resolvers for relational fields.

  • @default "prisma"

  • @example

    // src/main.ts
    import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
    import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server'
    import { makeSchema } from 'nexus'
    import { User, Post, $settings } from 'nexus-prisma'
    new ApolloServer({
    schema: makeSchema({
    types: [],
    context() {
    return {
    db: new PrismaClient(), // <-- You put Prisma client on the "db" context property
    prismaClientContextField: 'db', // <-- Tell Nexus Prisma

prismaClientImportId: string

  • @summary Where Nexus Prisma will try to import your generated Prisma Client from. You should not need to configure this normally because Nexus Prisma generator automatically reads the Prisma Client generator output setting if you have set it. The value here will be used in a dynamic import thus following Node's path resolution rules. You can pass a node_modules package like foo @prisma/client, @my/custom/thing etc. or you can pass an absolute module/file path /my/custom/thing / /my/custom/thing/index.js or finally a relative path to be resolved relative to the location of Nexus Prisma source files (you probably don't want this).

  • @default @prisma/client

  • @remarks Nexus Prisma imports Prisma client internally for two reasons: 1) validation wherein a class reference to Prisma Client is needed for some instanceof checks and 2) for acquiring the DMMF as Nexus Prisma relies on some post-processing done by Prisma Client generator.

  • @example

    // src/main.ts
    import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
    import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server'
    import { makeSchema } from 'nexus'
    import { User, Post, $settings } from 'nexus-prisma'
    new ApolloServer({
    schema: makeSchema({
    types: [],
    prismaClientImportId: '@my/custom/thing',