Gentime Settings

You are able to control certain aspects of the Nexus Prisma code generation.


  1. Create a configuration file named any of:

    nexusPrisma.ts  /  nexus-prisma.ts  /  nexus_prisma.ts

    In one of the following directories:

    1. Project Root – The directory containing your project's package.json. Example:

        ├── nexus-prisma.ts
        └── package.json
    2. Primsa Directory – The directory containing your Prisma schema. Example:

        ├── prisma/nexus-prisma.ts
        └── package.json
  2. If you have not already, install ts-node which nexus-prisma will use to read your configuration module.

  3. Import the settings singleton and make your desired changes. Example:

    import { settings } from 'nexus-prisma/generator'
    projectIdIntToGraphQL: 'ID',


projectIdIntToGraphQL: 'ID' | 'Int'

  • @default Int
  • @summary Map Prisma model fields of type Int with attribute @id to ID or Int.

jsdocPropagationDefault?: 'none' | 'guide'

  • @default 'guide'

  • @summary

    Nexus Prisma will project your Prisma schema field/model/enum documentation into JSDoc of the generated Nexus Prisma API.

    This setting controls what Nexus Prisma should do when you have not written documentation in your Prisma Schema for a field/model/enum.

    The following modes are as follows:

    1. 'none'

      In this mode, no default JSDoc will be written.

    2. 'guide'

      In this mode, guide content into your JSDoc that looks something like the following:

      * ### ️⚠️ You have not writen documentation for ${thisItem}
      * Replace this default advisory JSDoc with your own documentation about ${thisItem}
      * by documenting it in your Prisma schema. For example:
      * ...
      * ...
      * ...

docPropagation.JSDoc: boolean

  • @default true
  • @summary Should Prisma Schema docs propagate as JSDoc?

docPropagation.GraphQLDocs: boolean

  • @default true
  • @summary Should Prisma Schema docs propagate as GraphQL docs?
  • @remarks When this is disabled it will force .description property to be undefined. This is for convenience, allowing you to avoid post-generation data manipulation or consumption contortions.

Prisma String @id fields project as GraphQL ID fields

All String fields with @id attribute in your Prisma Schema get projected as GraphQL ID types rather than String types.

model User {
id String @id
import { User } from 'nexus-prisma'
import { objectType } from 'nexus'
name: User.$name
description: User.$description
definition(t) {
type User {
id: ID